The purpose of these rules is to extend the privilege of enjoying the R/C Hobby to all members and authorized quests with emphasi on safete and control. Nothing herein should overule common sense and courtesy.
General Rules
AMA Safety Regulations must be adhered to at all times. All flyers must presint a valid AMA card upon request.
- Use of the field is restricted to paid in full by MARCH meeting.
- All beginners must be accompanied by an instructor until they receive their wings. Qualifying flight for wings shall be observed by and instructor. Upon qualifications, wings will be awarded at the next general membership meeting.
- All instructors serve on the safety committee. An annual shills assessment on each instructor will be conducted by the safety officer or his/her designee. Those who do not meet the qualifications under section 4b require retraining by the safety officer or his/her designee and tested until he/she qualifies.
- Qualificatios a. Glider/Power Glider Five (5) launches of good quality and five (5) landing on the runway with in 35 adult steps of pilot (approximately 100 feet). These qualificatios are for gliders only. No wings will be awarded but notice will be made in the following month's newsletter. b. Power Five (5) takeoffs and landing of good quality; one of which shall be under forced landing conditions. Also one procedure 270 degree turn at a constant altitude. C. Helicopters Qualifications are left to the discretion of the instructor.
- Club members are responsible for the conduct of their quests.
- Visiting flyers must be a quest of a West End Wings member who is present, produde a valid AMA membership card (and Ham License if required) and perform a qualifling flight with an instructor prior to flying solo. The west End Wings host is responsible for his/her quest's actions and for thoroughly checking the aircraft with a safety instructor prior to flight.
- Any member who violates safety rules will be given a warning by an instructor or an officer. In conjunction of the club by laws, constant violators may be voted out of the Club and removed from the membership roster.
- The first flyer to arrive at the field must open the flight box. All flyers are required to place their AMA card in the slot from which they remove their frequency pin. The last flyer to leave the field mush lock the flight box and the gate.
- Every aircraft must have eather an AMA label or owners name and address or AMA number on or in the model. Otherwise, the Club's insurance and/or your insurance will not cover loss/damage/injury.
- Flying Hours-All aircraft 10:00AM-8:30 to dusk.
- Alcoholic beverages or drugs are not to be consumed prior to flying and are not permintted at the field
- Members are responsible for keeping the flying sites clean. Anything you bring to the field shall be removed when you depart.
- Pets shall be confined to the spectator area and shall be secured at all times.
- All members shall act in a sportsman like manner. This included lanquage, courtesy, consideration and presenting a positive image.
- During air shows, all flyers and/or quests (as necessary) must relinquish their transmitters to the show coordinator/emcee whether or not it is in use. This regulations is also enforced at Club picnics, funfly and other activities as necessary.
- All R/C Aircraft, Helicopter, fixed and rotary wing, are welcome, Exception: Turbo Jet engines planes.
- Only legal frequencies are permitted. All transmitters should carry red aircraft frequency ID flags-not in a pocket or field box.
- No radio shall be turned on or engine started until the frequency pin is dispayed on transmitter antenna.
- All transmitters shall meet AMA requirements.
- Anyone operating a transmitter without possession of the correct frequency control pin and causing the crash to another pilot's aircraft on the same frequency who is in possession of the correct frequency pin, is liable for all damages and injuries resulting from such crash. The parties involved should determine the monetary value of damage to models. If satisfactory assessment coannot be reached in this manner, all parties agree to be bound by an evaluation made by the Ececutive Board.
- Any accident involving a personal injury or property damage other than models shall be immediately reposted to an Ececutive Board member.
- All internal combustion engines shall be equipped with a muffler
- An aircraft shall not exceed a sound level of 90db. Measurements are taken according to AMA standards. In compliance with AMA regulations, no plane exceeding 55 lbs, is permitted to fly at West End Wings.
- New, modified or repaired aircraft shall be ranged checked before flight.
- Beginner's aircraft shall be pri-flight checked for air-worthiness by Tech committee member.
- Observe all rules regarding operation of model aircraft as stated in the AMA safety code.
- The pit area is restricted to AMA members only. Spectators are to remain in designated areas. Exception: A club member accompanies quest.
- No transmitter shall be removed from the impound area unless the appropriate frequency pin (clip) is attached to the antenna. Pin possession is limited to 20 minutes if others are waiting.
- It is recommended that all pilots stand and remain at one designated spot while flying. He/she is not to pass an occupied spot with a transmitter turned on.
- No engine shall be started in the pit.
- When engine are being started or run-up the aircraft shall be parallel to the flight area. The plane shall be pointed at the runway. Restarts, are not permitted on the flight line or on the runway, only the start/run-up area. The start/run-up area is in the middle of the pit area and the runway. Prior to take off check for a clear runway and approaching aircraft. It is the duty of every pilot and member to watch for full scale aircraft approaching the flight area. This include hot air balloons.
- Runway area is to be used for takeoff and landing only. All other flying shall be out beyond the runway, including high speed low passes.
- Tail restraints shall be used for engine start up of full throttle run up.
- When engine are run-up to full throttle, operators are responsible kept them selves and all other person out of the arc of the propeller.
As a club Member you have an obligation to the Club and fellow Members to participate in any Club activities. Be it cleanup day flies etc...
Their has been a interference problem in the past with the following channels 12, 18, 28, 44 If you have any of these channels please be aware of this.

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